Collect testimonials that actually say something.

yas mama, gimme!
free guide
free guide
(cheers to that.)

There's a right way to write


those glowing reviews…

Those rave reviews

get to the heart
of their biggest problem

make your solution (and value!) lake tahoe–clear

celebrate their success,
not your sparkling personality

be true to your brand message

Short. Sweet. Substancy.

I'll keep this brief.

This guide has one job: break down the four elements of every great testimonial. 

Okay, two. Because it'll also show you exactly how to weave them into a ringing endorsement that reads like a dream and drives the point home. Period.

Glowing reviews with substance can seal the deal. 

She ain't fancy. But she's beautiful in her simplicity. Oh, and she's free.

you had me at brief

Add to cart.

POV: You've taken to Amazon in search of [your clothing item of choice] and — ooh, could that be the one?

Whoa — 75,136 reviews that average out to 4.5 stars?! 
You suddenly suspect that those substance-starved reviews are from bots who don't even wear clothes.

But then you see it: a hella-detailed review from a real human. It's got measurements. It's got photos. There's commentary on the fabric, the cut, the finishes. The whole thing screams, "10s, 10s, 10s across the board!"

Ooh, yeah… She is the one.

That's what an on-point, stick-to-your-ribs testimonial does: It adds the real-world human element that tips your dream customers over the edge to that "add to cart" moment. Click.

That's what i want!

Hi, you.
I wrote this!

Every word you write needs a strong message to hold it up

The most powerful brand stories are rooted in shared humanity

Our content should make people feel seen, not sold to

Every business has a unique story to tell

Marketing doesn't have to feel shady

my body is ready, paige

I’m Paige Worthy. (Yeah, that's my real name.)

I help businesses that give a sh*t create customer-obsessed brand messages and write copy that sells without resorting to icky bro marketing tactics.

I believe…

Your best customers are itching to say amazing things about you — because you are amazing! So let's get that poppin', hmm?

part of this balanced breakfast

Testimonials are one (seriously important!) part of the ecosystem that will build up your "know, like, and trust" factor. So do your dream customers justice and knock it out of the park with every one you write. 

give me the damn testimonials guide.

so close. So…close.

Just a quickie form fill, and you'll have this guide in your hot little hands.

Ready to create those testimonials that actually move people (in your direction)?

Just boop that button.